Exhibitor bookings now open for Flood & Water Live 2023

ADA is delighted to announce that exhibitor registration is now open for Flood & Water Live 2023. The working demonstration event for the water level and flood risk management sector, is taking place in partnership with Dyson Farming Ltd and Witham 4th Internal Drainage Board at Carrington, Lincolnshire on 5 and 6 July 2023.
Flood & Water Live 2023 will cover all aspects of river, flood defence and water resource management. It is being hosted on a working farm with an adjacent watercourse and embankments, where exhibitors will practically demonstrate the latest operational plant, machinery and state-of-the-art, carbon and environmentally friendly equipment.
This new live event comes at a time when aquatic management is front and centre of our efforts to address climate change, live sustainably, and deliver a net gain for our natural environment. We look forward to exhibitors showcasing their latest innovations: from green powered plant machinery and more efficient pumps to meet the net zero challenge, to more accurate and responsive telemetry systems, drones, fish passes, and much, much more.
The most sought-after live demonstration plots will no doubt be the 30 waterfront reaches, each 100m long, allowing exhibitors to show off plant and machinery at its best, actively working in or adjacent to a river environment. We also have a range of over 50, 30m x 20m outdoor plots available and a smaller number of indoor 4m x 3m plots, typically aimed at supporting service providers.
This long-awaited industry event looks likely to attract a wide variety of exhibitors and attendees, allowing everyone to connect with leading experts, suppliers, authorities, land managers and infrastructure providers.
As part of the event, Dyson Farming Ltd plan to be offering visits to their state-of-the-art Anaerobic Digestion Plant facilities at Carrington, as well as showing how they are working with the environment using set-backs and sophisticated technology to identify less productive land areas which can provide environmental benefits instead.
Innes Thomson, ADA’s Chief Executive, commenting on the event said:
“Everything has finally come together to allow us to hold another live demonstration event and I am really excited by the opportunity to work alongside Dyson Farming Ltd and Witham Fourth District IDB for this event to show off the water level and flood risk management industry’s innovation and technology credentials. I really look forward to not only welcoming our regular members as exhibitors, but also attracting new businesses to engage with our sector.”
Exhibitor registration is now open for those seeking to book either a working or static demonstration plot, or exhibition space in the marquee. Generous early bird discount offers are available. To find out more, and choose the right exhibition option for your needs please take a look at our Exhibitor & Sponsor Booking Pack.
Plots are limited and will be allocated on a first-come-first served basis. ADA has received considerable advance interest from exhibitors, so please book now to avoid disappointment, by completing our Exhibitor Booking Form.
If you would like to discuss your own exhibition or advertising requirements please contact ADA.
End of Statement
Notes to Editors
ADA is the membership organisation for those involved in drainage, water level and flood risk management. Its members include Internal Drainage Boards (IDBs), the Environment Agency, Regional Flood Defence Committees, Local Authorities, Natural Resources Wales, the Northern Ireland Rivers Agency, Consultants, Contractors and Suppliers.
ADA is involved in a wide range of work for and on behalf of its members helping to exchange ideas towards solving common problems and finding new, better ways of working. ADA responds to consultations from the Government, either on behalf of members or assisting with individual member responses. It represents all interests nationally and locally in relation to drainage, water level and flood risk management, for example, in relation to legislation and public inquiries. ADA acts together with other organisations to pursue the Association’s objectives, including linking to Europe through ADA’s membership of EUWMA, the European Union of Water Management Associations.
ADA obtains and shares information on matters of importance and interest to members, and provides advice on technical and administrative problems. ADA is supported by a volunteer network of branches which bring together members for meetings at a regional level. ADA organises exhibitions and meetings for the benefit of members, maintains a website at www.ada.org.uk and publishes the quarterly ADA Gazette.
ADA is a limited company with offices based at Stoneleigh Park in Warwickshire. ADA welcomes enquiries from the press and can be contacted during normal weekday office hours on 02476 992889 or by e-mail at admin@ada.org.uk.
For enquiries regarding Flood & Water Live 2023 please contact:
Heather Bailey
Marketing & Events Officer
Association of Drainage Authorities
Rural Innovation Centre, Avenue H, Stoneleigh Park, Warwickshire CV8 2LG
Office: 02476 992 889
Email: heather.bailey@ada.org.uk
Website: www.ada.org.uk